"Self-leadership has produced results I had no idea were possible. I have grown enormously as an executive: my relations with my managers and staff are far more harmonious; I have been able to coach my team through significant personal development."   -  Grant Halloran CEO, Planful Inc

Keynote Speeches are available Live and Virtual


By Andrew Bryant

"Self-leadership isn't easy but it is essential to success"

"Self-leadership has produced results I had no idea were possible. I have grown enormously as an executive: my relations with my managers and staff are far more harmonious; I have been able to coach my team through significant personal development."   -  Grant Halloran CEO, Planful Inc

Keynote Speeches are available Live and Virtual

Self-leadership is the Solution for Personal Power and Leadership, especially in the AI and Digital World that we live in.

Self-leadership is the Practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling, and actions toward your objectives (Bryant & Kazan 2012).

Self-leadership is essential to achieving your professional objectives and leading people because effective leaders must lead by example

Maintaining motivation and accepting responsibility for your own activities is one of the biggest personal advantages of self-leadership.

Self-leadership in the workplace has advantages for both the individual and the company. Self-leadership enables a leader to influence people to act in a way that furthers their and the company's objectives.

  • Organizations that adopt and promote a self-leadership culture have greater employee engagementcollaboration, and readiness for change. Self-leadership is the key competency and mindset for the future of work.
  • Individuals who develop self-leadership increase their efficiency, productivity, personal power, and executive presence.

Founder of Self Leadership International, Speaker, and Leadership Coach, Andrew Bryant is the author of three books on self-leadership.  He is recognized as a Global Authority on Self-leadership and is referenced in over 140 papers and Ph.D. dissertations.

SELF-LEADERSHIP is foundational for Personal Effectiveness and Leadership Development

  • Personal Effectiveness requires taking ownership and responsibility. The self-leader does not blame, complain, or play the victim. Self-leadership is modern-day stoicism. It is about accepting reality, adjusting behavior accordingly, and advancing towards objectives.
  • Leadership is the process of influencing others in a way that enhances their contribution to the realization of group goals. The Effective Leader builds a culture of Self-leadership so that individuals and teams are empowered to fully contribute to those group goals.
  • Andrew Bryant believes there is NO LEADERSHIP without followership and that leadership is a conversation - a one-to-one, and a one-to-many conversation.

Marek Dziki, MD, PhD, MBA

“Andrew Bryant enabled us to transform our organization to a holistic high-performing team. His self-leadership approach helped us to understand ourselves as individuals, leaders, and our roles in the team."  

Contact Us to Discuss your Requirements

Self-leadership Services and a Sample of Clients

Keynote Speaker

As a Global Expert on Self-leadership, Andrew Bryant is an inspiring and informative motivational speaker.

Executive Leadership Coaching

For Executive Leadership Teams or Senior Executives wanting to step up, self-leadership provides the tools.

Master Classes

Small interactive groups can learn how to apply self-leadership strategies to solve their real-world problems

Self Leadership International Clients

Augmenting Human Performance
with Self-leadership

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a large language model of human knowledge, it is therefore better named, Augmented Intelligence. 

in the age of AI, Self-leadership augments human performance and therefore results. Watch this video for a sample from an HR TECH Conference.

Leadership Coaching with Self-leadership

Sandeep Shirodkar - Amazon

Andrew Bryant understands business dynamics and applies his leadership development approach with outstanding results. His ability to move from strategy to the specifics of situations is highly insightful, allowing you to develop critical thinking skills.

Mădălina Nechifor - Maxcode

Andrew Bryant's speech on self-leadership was not only engaging but also transformative. Andrew has a unique perspective on leadership, challenging conventional wisdom and shedding light on the importance of trust and followership.

Self-leadership is Confidence Humility,
NOT Ignorant Certainty

Leadership is not easy, it requires balancing people, processes, and profits, in a volatile business and Global environment.

Perceived pressure to be perfect, a tendency to narcissism, or hierarchical leadership structures can create leaders who operate with Ignorant Certainty. 

Ignorant Certainty from the leader prevents the formation of collaborative teams and may produce clones, who also rule with similar ignorance.  This is what constitutes an ugly leadership culture

The humble leader is grounded, they know that they don't know everything, practice self-leadership, and are confident that together with the right people they can solve problems and make the best of opportunities. This is what good leadership looks like.

Solving the Big Problem of Modern Leadership

"Written with deep insight, heart, and humor, Andrew Bryant has unpacked theory into practical plays you can immediately apply to lead yourself and others to higher ground." - Dr. Margie Warrell


Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results

Imagine all leaders and managers working from the same playbook, guided by principles, and having conversations that inspire accelerated results. 

The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Delivering Accelerated Results is the third book, from Andrew Bryant, in the self-leadership series.  This is a practical handbook containing twelve conversations (plays) guided by seven principles. 

Get a FREE Chapter of the Book

- Manish Bundhun, Chief People Officer

”Our world is evolving at an increasingly fast pace. Organizations are facing higher levels of disruption, uncertainty, and volatility in their environments. Teams and individuals alike are having to develop greater agility, resilience, and collaboration to succeed. This ‘next normal’ requires a revised playbook for leaders to grow, perform and thrive." 

Mariam Tariq - SVP of Product & Marketing

I have read over 100 leadership books in my career. All had some nuggets of wisdom. But what Andrew Bryant has managed to do with The New Leadership Playbook is distill in a readable, get-to-the-point manner, the exact attributes and actions that you need to be a leader.

Honestly, this book has helped me tremendously. There are 12 leadership plays. If you are not doing ALL 12, you are NOT a great leader. You can be a functional leader, a capable leader, a nice leader, but not a great one. 

Stephen Hodson - Marketing and Program Director

Andrew is an excellent coach and I appreciate his contribution to my development and transition from a regional General Manager to a Director with global responsibility.

I greatly value his guidance and mentoring, our work together was a key step in my career development. I was also fortunate to have Andrew present at several of our large-team meetings and his ability to inspire change was an important step in forming high-performing teams.


Being Human Whilst Successfully Delivering Accelerated Results

Imagine all leaders and managers working from the same playbook, guided by principles, and having conversations that inspire accelerated results. 

The New Leadership Playbook: Being Human Whilst Delivering Accelerated Results is the third book, from Andrew Bryant, in the self-leadership series.  This is a practical handbook containing twelve conversations (plays) guided by seven principles. 

Get a FREE Chapter of the Book

”Our world is evolving at an increasingly fast pace. Organizations are facing higher levels of disruption, uncertainty, and volatility in their environments. Teams and individuals alike are having to develop greater agility, resilience, and collaboration to succeed. This ‘next normal’ requires a revised playbook for leaders to grow, perform and thrive." 
- Manish Bundhun, Chief People Officer

Self-leadership on YouTube

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Ron Kaufman - NY Times Bestseller

Andrew is a professional's professional who has grown in depth, maturity, and wisdom across the years. There is no shortcut to living a deeply committed life, caring enormously about others, and taking actions that challenge you to be the best you can be.

Madalina Pavel - Global Manager

Andrew possesses an innate talent for connecting with the audience, and the ability to convey complex leadership concepts in a relatable and engaging manner is truly commendable. One of the standout qualities of Andrew is his transformative influence. 

Self-leadership Podcast Interviews

Contact Andrew Bryant for interviews about leadership or self-leadership in print media, on radio, TV, or a podcast.

Anbath Shanmugam - Group CEO

Our organization used Andrew’s services to prepare myself and the team to present and pitch to senior executives of large MNCs.

He has a practical approach to coaching. He tells you the truth and does not mince his words. He identifies your strengths, to leverage them while focusing on overcoming your weaknesses. 

Fanny Sahl - Management Events

Andrew's expertise in self-leadership, resilience, and change management is evident in his dynamic presentations that are both informative and inspiring.

His passion for helping people reach their full potential is compelling and makes him a great choice for any event that seeks to motivate and empower its attendees.

Self-leadership in the News

  •  Andrew Bryant was featured in Sovereign Magazine (April 2024) for his work on self-leadership.
  • Andrew Bryant was the keynote speaker for the HR TECH MENA Conference (Dubai, Feb 2024) sharing how self-leadership is essential for human performance in an age of AI.
  • Andrew Bryant was recognized by the President of Singapore, for his work empowering women with self-leadership (2020).
  • Andrew Bryant was recognized by the President of Singapore, for his work empowering at-risk and disadvantaged teenagers with self-leadership (2018). 
Andrew Bryant Self-leadership for Women Leaders

Self-leadership Blog Posts

Is Self-leadership Modern Stoicism for Success?

Apr 03, 2024

Executive Presence: A Case Study on Influence for HR Leaders

Mar 11, 2024

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Self-leadership Speaker
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