Self Leadership and
The New Leadership Playbook
Blog by Andrew Bryant


Personal Mastery - Definition and Importance to Learning

Personal Mastery has many definitions but what is most important to understand is that it is not a destination or a definitive state, but a process. The idea that mastery is a process was described by Peter Senge, in his book ā€˜The Fifth Discipline.ā€™

People with a high level of personal mastery live in a continual learning mode. They never ā€œarrive.ā€ (Peter Senge)

The application of personal mastery is key to living an effective life and having a successful career. This has never been truer than at this time in history.

In this post we explore, what is Personal Mastery, why it is important and,Ā how to develop it.

Personal Mastery Definition

I define Personal Mastery as follows:

"Personal Mastery is the process of living and working purposefully towards a vision, in alignment with oneā€™s values and in a state of constant learning about oneself and the reality in which one exists."

Personal Mastery and Self-leadership can be considered synonymous. They both require self-awareness, se...

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Empowering Women in Singapore - Speech by Andrew Bryant

Imagine a university lecture theater. Tiered seats in a semi-circle, and in those seats, powerful women. Women leaders from international governments; Singapore, South Africa, India, to name a few. Senior female leaders from multi-national organizations. All of these women looking towards a central focal point. I step into that focal point and endure their gaze. I ask this question, ā€œWhat words is your mind giving you to describe me?ā€

We all judge, we cannot judge, and my intent in asking that question on the third day of a Women in Leadership program was to bring to awareness that gender bias goes both ways.

ā€œAssertive, Arrogant and Aggressiveā€ ā€“ were how some of these women perceived me, and that was before I have even started my lecture (Itā€™s not my fault I look like a night-club bouncer!).

ā€œConfident, Professional and a Leaderā€ were the kinder descriptions. But the point had been made. We all judge, but worse than judging others is how we judge ourselves. This was the theme of m...

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